Who We Are Test

Welcome to your Who We Are Test

What is Canada known for around the world?

What type of monarchy is Canada?

What key phrase is in Canada’s original constitutional document in 1867, the British North America Act?

Who are the three founding peoples of Canada?

What is Canada known for around the world?

Which of the following is true about Canada's constitutional monarchy?

What are the foundational principles that have contributed to Canada's prosperous society?

What tradition has Canada inherited?

What is Canada’s geographical extent?

What is Canada often hailed as by poets and songwriters?

What environment have Canadians built a prosperous society in?

What year was Canada’s original constitutional document, the British North America Act, enacted?

What phrase is key in Canada’s original constitutional document?

What is the significance of the year 1867 for Canada?

What is the “Great Dominion” often referred to in the context of Canada?

What is the significance of the British North America Act for Canada?

Where are the ancestors of Aboriginal peoples believed to have migrated from?

What did the Royal Proclamation of 1763 guarantee?

What was the purpose of the residential schools for Aboriginal children?

What does the term “Aboriginal peoples” refer to in today’s Canada?

What does “Inuit” mean in the Inuktitut language?

Who are the Métis?

What percentage of the Aboriginal people are First Nations?

What percentage of the Aboriginal people are Inuit?

What percentage of the Aboriginal people are Métis?

What was the federal government’s policy towards Aboriginal children from the 1800s until the 1980s?

What happened in 2008 regarding the residential schools for Aboriginal children?

What have Aboriginal peoples made significant achievements in today’s Canada?

Who does the term “Indian” refer to in the context of Aboriginal peoples?

Where do the Inuit live?


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